Surgeon and oncologist appointment tomorrow in L.A. Hooray! I will know a lot more about dates and time frames tomorrow and I promise I will post asap.
Non cancer related:
Big triennial I.E.P.(Individualized Education Plan) for Jonah today. I was pretty pooped, but luckily Carly came with me. She got to sign her first IEP today!
I was in the IEP with Carly and had asked the school to please have Jonah brought to me at the end of his school day. They assured me Child Care would go get him and bring him to us. BUT somehow he slipped out of the gate without anyone noticing before they were able to get him. He then proceeded to walk home completely alone. Luckily a wonderful couple saw him. I have always told him not to get in the car with "strangers" so of course he ran away from them when they tried to help. They thankfully did not give up and followed him home to make sure he was safe. Imagine my husband's shock (!) when a little boy was standing at the door - with no mommy, no Carly and a pair of people asking if this little boy lived here! Imagine now, the drop in the pit of my stomach when Cary called me and told me Jonah was home and how.
To Madilyns parents, I am SO amazingly thankful for you and what you did today. My children are my life the idea that he potentially could have been in harms way made me physically ill.
I thank the Lord above there are wonderful people out there like you to protect our sweet babies.Thank you just doesn't seem to cut it...
The school is now instigating a new policy that makes certain aides responsible for the actual physical hand off of the child to the parent. think I'll go throw up now....