Saturday, December 25, 2010

First of all to everyone, I hope you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas. I don't think I could have had a better Christmas. I played Santa once the kids fell asleep, cooked ALL Christmas dinner and even got the sea of loose gift wrap all wrangled into the trash! I am SO dang proud of myself.

Right now, I  am sitting at this computer just enjoying the sounds of a wonderful Christmas winding down. Jonah and Ben are sitting cross legged completely transfixed by a Tom and Jerry Christmas Special. And . they are NOT fighting!!! See, Christmas miracles DO happen!  

Daniel and Nathan are sitting in the huge pop up tent their Aunt Emeline sent them looking for Invisimals. Invisimals are these really cool little critters that kids get to "find" using a PSP (Play Station Portable) and a special camera thingy. (That is the technical term BTW) . The PSP was made possible thanks to  dad searching everywhere for a really good refurbished one   um I mean Santa.

I really love refurnished stuff. I mean stuff from Santa. OK OK Lets drop the act, the kids aren't listening anymore. I know some people might wonder about the reliability of refurbished stuff, but heck, if you want to get technical, pretty much everything we own is "refurbished" sooner or later. It's called having kids.

Toothbrush + lotion bottle + flush before mom or dad can dive for them = toilet refurbished (We have learned that Cary can swap out a toilet in 15 minutes flat).  Dishwasher + WAYYY to much soap and a wooden spoon crammed into the spinny thing ( boy I am FULL of technical terms today) = refurbished dishwasher. See? It's starting to become a theme... Let's do one more... Not that we have a shortage, I am just getting tired of typing... Desktop + glass of milk + 4 boys playing a really exciting online game = you guessed it ~ refurbished computer. We just figure we will get a head start with the PSP. AND it has the added bonus being WAY cheaper. Good thing Cary is good with a screwdriver and fixes electronics for a living. Just don't hand him a refurbished nail gun. You might be wondering why there is a boy or two pinned by the back of their shirts to the drywall with a 12 penny nail.

why I fight

why I fight
my family