Thursday, May 6, 2010

No more pokes, prods or needles until the 20th of May when I have to have another PET scan! Yesterdays doctor appointment yesterday went very well. Aaron, Cary's son came down to watch the kids while we went up to LA. He is such an amazing person. All Cary's kids are! I just adore all of them.

I am bit worn out but OK I guess. I am able to eat almost anything except meats and breads if there is an abundance of non tomato based sauces or gravies. Chips are still a no no as well, but I really don't need them anyway. Gotta get in shape for that strip dancing class I wanna take next time I head to Vegas...

Well, DARN it! I won't be able to practice on the subway like I had planned...

why I fight

why I fight
my family