again a short one, recovery is progressing nicely. I am determined to get better as quickly as I can and set daily goals to make sure that happens. Stuff like take all my meds religiously, walk every day , do my breathing exercises, and be anal about keeping wound sites clean. Then I set longer term goals.
One goal is to take Jonah and the other boys to Legoland. He has wanted to go there since his class visited the aquarium on a field trip.
Another longer term goal is to get healed so I can go back to work. A few of you might know that the day my fingerprints and background check went through to start work as a special education aide, was the same day I was told I had cancer. Sweet Judy from the school district has been holding my job for me ever since.
In the hospital, my goal was more simple. Go home to my boys. I had a pic of them as well as Carly, Haley and Aaron in my line of sight in my room. That was my inspiration, especially during the hard parts.
I am a huge believer in goals. Long term, but more importantly short term, daily do-able ones to help me get to the biggies.
others might be better at doing this with out the goals and that is ok too. I just happen to be one of those that need direction to move forward with purpose, ~ otherwise I might head into lump-ville and that is not an option. I have been given a second shot at life and I have no intention of wasting it.