so...... the dilation went O.K., but I gotta do it again.
Good news: no sign of cancer HOORAY!
Also, he stitched my feeding tube back in (the stitch from the Monday ER trip kept slipping, making me feel a bit like a trombone). He pulled it out a bit more out than I am used to , so I have about 5 inches of feeding tube hanging that I need to tape up now. Not sure why he did that, but oh well, at least it ain't moving!
Bad news, but really not so bad: scar tissue built up so much that the surgical staples were actually touching, creating a web across the 1/2 centimeter opening. Dr. Simeon Lo removed a few of the staples and dilated my stomophagus to about 1 centimeter. He wants to get it to 1.5 centimeters, hence having to do it again.
right now I am sore and a bit tired, but hunky dory. Hey, I've been through A LOT worse. I can deal with more balloon animals...
p.s. as per the Explanation of Benefits, my insurance company loves to send out, they have well exceeded a million dollars (yes that is the one with the six 0's after the 1) in pay outs for my medical care. I suddenly understand why they were so keen on trying to get me to settle on "adequate" care...