Monday, May 3, 2010

I am feeling better and better! I was able to get the boys off to school, unpack the boys bathroom and part of the boys books, and get the boys home from school. Then on top of that, I even made dinner! First time I cooked since January! Hey I gotta protect that mothers day present SOMEhow! I am pretty wiped out now, but I am so very happy I really don't care. Tomorrow might be a different story, but hey, I'll take the good days as I can get them. If anyone would have told me a year ago I would be so proud of myself for accomplishing this much in a whole day, I would have laughed out loud. Funny how perceptions change.

On a bit of a heavier note my friend from the kids school who fought off breast cancer has had a reoccurance. Bless her heart, the insurance would not approve a more aggressive initial treatment because it was not "medically necessary". I wonder if she was told the same thing I was when I was doing my arguing with the insurance company.

An HMO allows for "adequate" care not "the best" care. The fun part is how they said they determine "adequate" care. There is a possibility you have not received "adequate" care if you die, and your heirs can prove you did not die of the cancer. Isn't that so nice?!

Gotta love customer service!

why I fight

why I fight
my family