Sunday was a really hurty day, so I just laid around like a lump. But Monday?
Monday was a WONDERFUL day. You wanna know why huh? Well, I had my followup visit with my oncologist.He started out by saying I took this treatment better than about 90% of his patients. Then he started explaining how there was still most likely a big ol mass in my esophagus, but that it was a big DEAD mass.
It took a few minutes for that to sink in.
Long story short he is pretty dog-goned positive that I have BEATEN THIS MONSTER!!!!
He started telling me that I would have a decision to make because my PET scan would have a very good chance of coming back completely clear. The controversy arises because surgery on a a pet scan that comes back clear could seem "unnecessary". BUTTT the odds of reoccurrance is much higher in patients without the surgery. I have already done my homework on this, read all the statistics, patient stories, and every article I could possibly find ~ and had already made my decision when he asked. I have far too much to risk if I have a reoccurance, because the 2nd time round is always uglier and more aggressive. I WILL see my children to adulthood. I will have the surgery in about 6 weeks.
We took the boys up to LA with us this trip so we could let them know immediately what the doctor had said, so we all went to Joes Crab Shack on the way home to celebrate. This one even had a little playground and I just reveled in the sounds, the smells, the life all around me. I know this sounds kinda weird, but I felt a pride in accomplishment that I haven't felt since my boys were born. With prayers, support, love and God, I BEAT THIS S.O.B.!
Monday was definitely a good day.