Friday, October 29, 2010

The great news is that I am bouncing back pretty good right now. I am feeling the best I have in a long time!!!!! (today)  I have el-zippo zero pain, so that is excellent and the new stitches Dr. Lo put in are holding great. Not to mention he put more of them this time and so far only one has torn through. Not too bad odds I might add.

AND I cleaned my house !!!! OK, just the downstairs, and I didn't mop, but Hey! I cleaned my house!!!! (this statement deserves the extra exclamation points and rotten sentence structure)  Cary even got in the swing of things and shampooed the carpet.

AND I -yes I - cleaned out my fridge!  I asked hubby when the last time he cleaned it out was and he said ~~~~ well ~~~~~~~ maybe it's best just to leave what he said to your imagination. I will only reveal that I think I saw something run for cover behind what I assumed was old feta cheese.

The only bummer part is that I am on a completely liquid diet until my next procedure which is scheduled for 2 days before Thanksgiving. Kinda sucky, but if it increases the chances of this third balloon animal adventure being successful, I'll be thrilllllled.  I am actually looking forward to eating a big salad. Weird huh. Especially since the hubby made the kids brownies tonight for movie night and I am smelling them. The REALLLYYYY weird part? I am happy just to smell them. I have absolutely no desire to eat 'em!

Most of you are now understandably concerned at this point and are starting to pull out your Alien Impostor Detection Kit, but I assure you, I am still me.  At least that is what I keep telling myself....

I really believe that the Good Lord is kind and has kept up the blessing of allowing me to think food is yucky right now. Except salad. I am really hungry for a good salad...

I Am The Humanoid Known As Stacey. Obey Me.

why I fight

why I fight
my family