Ok the danger of telling a friend that you need her to come over and get your butt off the couch to go walking even if you do not feel like it - is that she will remember ~ and get your butt off the couch to go walking even when you REALLLLYYYYY don't want to. I am glad I went, but man it seemed so hard today. So despite all my grumblings, thanks Steph, I love you, even though I looked at you really mean at first...
It has been heaven being home. I am enjoying my kids, my hubby and my new house every second. I am also ecstatic I don't have to start poisoning my body again on Monday! I would just get feeling like I could handle stuff again, when the weekend would end and I would start the yucky stuff again. Did I mention I was thrilled about not having to start that up again?
I actually felt good enough to go pick up Nathan from a birthday party this afternoon! I just loved hearing all the noise and excitement and joy and kazoos....It made me smile wide. I also giggled at Cary playing with the boys today. I love just listening to the sounds of family life. I really missed that.
Completely off subject, I found this pic and cant decide if I am more disturbed that it is so instructional or that it is posted in such a public place...