So... Part 2 of the surgery took place on Monday. It was pretty long but Dr. Soukiasian was thrilled with the results. There are no tumors left! That's one big Hooray. The procedure itself was pretty much picture perfect according to Dr. S. That's the other big Hooray.
Now Stacey's heading into the recovery period. This part isn't likely to be very much fun for quite some time but she's doing great. She's being very stubborn about following the doctor's orders perfectly and is directing the nurses to do more when they are inclined to act on their humanitarian instincts and go easy on her. Yesterday she was up walking twice! Both times for greater distances than I (or the nurses) thought she would be able to manage. With a will like that, she'll continue to recover at a remarkable rate. She's already making very rapid improvements. She showed a marked improvement yesterday morning over the night before and by the time I left last night, she was in far better shape than yesterday morning.
I'll keep you posted...