Monday, October 18, 2010

My poor hubby is "jones-ing" SO bad. Anyone who doesn't believe caffeine is addicting, come on by and I will show you some withdrawals baby. Let us just ignore the fact that we (Cary and I) sat down and added up the milligrams of said evil stuff he consumed everyday and it was equal to 13 cups of coffee.

mmm.....How did his arteries keep from exploding again? He has been on survival mode way too long. He is a trooper and would have been willing to go another year if he had to, but luckily he doesn't.  I gotta get back to taking care of my guy, 'cause obviously he doesn't do so good without me.  It's nice to be needed.

(me smiling in a sort of sick perverted satisfied way...I think I really am twisted...)

OK, with me back in the saddle we just have to prioritize stuff.

Here goes...

#1   get Cary off enough energy drinks to fuel a
       nuclear reactor so he doesn't DIE.
#2   clean house
        pick up house
        make it so the bugs won't invade
#3   go through boxes to try to find Halloween decorations
       purchase new decorations for Halloween
       call it good for decorations until Christmas.
#4   make a good healthy dinner for everyone.
       Feed the fam so they will not get scurvy/protein deficiency
       Make sure we have plenty of cereal and milk and bowls.
       (wondering if I can get paper bowls next shopping trip)
#5   get all laundry done and put away
       get all dirty clothes washed
       Pray: "Dear Lord above, just let me have enough
       clean clothes for the next school day".
#6  oh never mind...

I think that's good.

why I fight

why I fight
my family