Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I was talking to Ben, about when he was born and how I named him and he said SO seriously.
"thanks mom".
Me: "for what?"
Ben: "for naming me Ben an not som'fin stupid".

Ok I am all better now.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This is entitled Hell

Detail of mosaic in the vault of the baptistery of
Florence Cathedral.  - no really. I promise. That is REALLY in the baptistery. I could. not. make that part up.

Ok so my week hasn't been QUITE that bad... but close.  Some wonderful person has stolen our checking account number and apparently Western Union doesn't care if the account is stolen, as  long as they get a routing number... good to know if I ever want to turn to a life of crime.
Sigh ... and to make matters even better, the bank keeps messing up and allowing charges to be posted to the account even though we placed a restriction on it last week. Then they won't let us close the account because there are still items pending. 
Wait  I'm not done...
The bank is also holding on to Cary's paycheck until the negative balance (caused by all the stolen funds) is resolved....Can it GET any better? Oh yes it sure can! 

Remember last spring when we had to move because our dear landlord lost his primary residence and needed the rental we were living in? Well Cary did the absolute best he could to find a new house on such short notice, and with me in LA doing the Chemo and radiation thing, but it fell 1/2 mile outside the district. He applied for transfers and that was that.

Well, we just got a registered letter saying that this year, my 3 special needs kids were denied and the week they chose to dis-enroll my kids was - yup you guessed it - this one!  Looks like we have another immediate move ahead of us, or I get to home school the 3 younger kids until we can move back. Daniel was approved because he is not in a special needs program. I won't send them to the other school district because #1 it is too far , #2 my  kids would loose many of their current services, and #3 the change would be terrible for them mid stream like this. They have JUST settled down from the roller coaster ride that was last year.

Well, I am done belly aching now, I am just praying no kid breaks an arm or my feeding tube doesn't pop its last stitch ~ cause baby we aint got no money take our broke a$$ home!

I need to take time to go fly a kite or two....if we had the money to buy a kite...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I found some stuff I wrote LONG before I had cancer.
I wrote this one soon after Sept 11th 2001.

In moments of crisis,
we don’t call up
our nice furniture
to make sure it's OK

Or rush to hug our cars
a little tighter,

Or wish to spend
just one more
precious moment
with our pretty clothes.

May history remember me
not by the clothes I wore
the houses I lived in
or the money I had

but by
the hugs I gave,
the hurts I mended
and the kites I flew.
By Stacey Clark 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

long time no blog...
I really have just been living my life, enjoying my boys and getting out and about as much as I can! My birthday itself kinda sucked because I had to go see my primary care doctor. He checked out my feeding tube and ordered an ultrasound to just take a peek inside to see what might be going on. No needles though, so it wasn't too bad. Just a lot of travel time.

The Friday after my birthday was the fun part. I posted the whole video on face book, but here are a few image grabs from it...

looking SO innocent and sweet....

can you tell what they are doing?...

that's right~ they are covering their momma in silly string!!!

It was really fun...

I got my wedding ring fixed for my main present,
and I couldn't be happier...
...and the boys sprayed on...
I really did have a great birthday.

42 years old and proud of it! I earned EARNED every wrinkle!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

OK, I think we have this not getting enough calories thing licked. Since the flu, I have been having a really hard time going back up to the full amount I was supposed to be receiving via feeding tube. Bloating, distention, all that nice stuff.The answer was simple! 2 cans at night and 2 cans during the day! TADA!!! fixed. Jo Marie is brilliant. I should have all my energy levels back to full capacity in no time.

I am having a bit more of a problem because I think my feeding tube site is infected. I have a doctor appointment to check it out next Wednesday. I get blood tests done tomorrow. oh joy.... more needles... hope I'm better hydrated this time...*sigh...

why I fight

why I fight
my family