Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I was walking down the hall tday after my treatment just gloating about the fact that I only have 2 more to go! yes! ( imaginary fist pump there in case you were wondering)  I could not be happier. Because I have to lay flat for the treatment, it is always a race to see if the heartburn starts hurting first or if the radiation gets done first. The last week or so the heartburn has been winning a lot. I just go back to the apartment, load up on pain meds and take a nap. I feel like I have slept WAYYYY to much these days. Don't get me wrong I am grateful to be in a place here I CAN sleep. I know it is helping my body heal, but man it just is NOT in my nature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In your nature or not you need to rest so you feel better. LOTS OF LOVE & PRAYERS always sent your way. Did you get the mail I sent you? Hope it made you smile. :)

Love Emeline

why I fight

why I fight
my family